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San Joaquin Valley-Spring Echoes Concert & Dinner Canceled

April 18, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club
110 N Manley Rd
CA 95366
Hanna Kessler SJVSC Echoes President
(209) 531-7574


Swiss Echoes Spring Concert


The annual Swiss Echoes Spring Concert once again was a successful performance with about 160 people enjoying the show. The songs covered a variety of springtime topics including mowing the old fashioned way (with a scythe), staying out till way past midnight, going to church, and “swinging in Switzerland”. We learned a few new versions of “Vo Luzern uf Weggis” when we were corrected about the “right” way to sing it by Art Brogli. Once again the entertainment value went sky high with Art’s special performance. He just never gets old! Even the audience participated in “Vo Luzern uf Weggis” in a sing-along, as it is a well-known Swiss folk song. There’s nothing more fun than to sing together in the spring!

Not only was there singing, but there were eating and a raffle and dancing too. The Swiss Club served a delicious Ripli dinner, there were some wonderful raffle prizes and there was new dancing entertainment from Richard and Larry Denier and Ernie Gudel who traveled from Carmel, Goleta, and Fair Oaks, respectively, to join in the fun. A great, big, heartfelt thank you to the new musicians! Comments were made that the dance music was easy to move to and fun to listen to, even if you didn’t want to dance! We hope to see everyone in the fall for the concert!

For more details: San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club

San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club