110 N Manley Rd
CA 95366
Spring Schwingfest
What is Schwingen?
Schwingen (from German schwingen “to swing”), also known as Swiss wrestling (French lutte Suisse) and natively (and colloquially) as Hoselupf (Swiss German for “breeches-lifting”), is a style of folk wrestling native to Switzerland, more specifically the pre-alpine parts of German-speaking Switzerland. Wrestlers wear Schwingerhosen (“wrestling breeches”) with belts that are used for taking holds. Throws and trips are common because the first person to pin his/her opponent’s shoulders to the ground wins the bout.
Schwingen is considered a “national sport” of Switzerland, alongside Hornussen and Steinstossen. Schwingen and Steinstossen were included as Nationalturnen (“national gymnastics”) in the Eidgenössisches Turnfest at Lausanne in 1855.