To become a member click the small, white arrow in the blue box beneath the club you want to join. To join Pro Ticino and Swiss Athletic Club the small arrow will open an email. Please add BECOME A MEMBER in the subject line.
The Aelpler Gruppe Swiss Club welcomes and encourages new members who are interested in Swiss culture and the activities of our Swiss Club.
The Aelpler Gruppe offers a variety of events to appeal to a diverse membership.
All activities are held at our Swiss Park in Newark, CA for the enjoyment of our members and friends and to further our national heritage through music and sports.
Aelpler Gruppe Swiss Club, Inc.
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California is dedicated to the preservation of this beautiful Swiss dog breed. We are recognized by both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA).
Founded in 1995, our mission is to educate and support Bernese Mountain Dog breeders, owners and enthusiasts throughout the greater Bay Area.
Bernese Mountain Dog Club Northern California
Welcome to the Golden Gate Swiss Club web site. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, we’re a diverse club with a membership that runs the gamut from young to old, athletic to social, singles and families with kids and dogs :-).
Monterey County Swiss American Club was founded in 1933 to encourage and help Swiss immigrants to the Monterey region. Today we continue to come together promote the spirit and good fellowship of the Swiss and Swiss-American citizens of Monterey County. Our annual Swiss Picnic & BBQ is a very popular event for our members and their families.
Golden Gate Swiss Club
Monterey County Swiss American Club
Based on our bylaws, the purpose of Peninsula Swiss Club is “to offer social gatherings where Swiss citizens and friends of Switzerland can congregate and foster friendly relations and good understanding between the USA and Switzerland in the best traditions of both countries”.
The club assists parents in upholding the Swiss heritage amongst their children.
Peninsula Swiss Club
Pro Ticino Nord California is a recognized association for people coming from Ticino or with family ties to Ticino. This is the group for Ticinesi residing in Northern California.
DOWNLOAD our club information and registration form below.
Pro Ticino Nord California
The Sacramento Helvetia Verein welcomes you to visit our website. The Verein was founded in 1892 to cultivate friendship among its members and to maintain and strengthen understanding and appreciation of Swiss heritage. We hold many annual events including the popular Spring Picnic, Fondue Dinner and Metzgete Dinner. We look forward to meeting you!
The first Swiss club in San Joaquin Valley was formed in Stanislaus County in 1920 at Yori’s Grove, Modesto, California. It was a social gathering of the Swiss Italians and the Swiss Germans.
The spirit of the fellowship as expressed in the Swiss motto, “One For All And All For One”, has been passed down from one generation to the next.
San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club

The aim of this club shall be to unite and strengthen the social and patriotic relations of the Swiss and their descendants of Stanislaus County and the neighbor.
Stanislaus County Swiss Club
The Swiss Athletic Club was formed in 1928 by Swiss Italians from Ticino, Switzerland, who formed a soccer team to keep with their Swiss Roots.
It is now a social club, with four annual social events, a kickoff dinner, picnic, Risotto and BBQ Chicken luncheon and Rabbit and Polenta at Annual General Meeting.
Swiss Athletic Club of San Francisco
The Chamber creates a network of business professionals that brings the San Francisco Bay Area and Switzerland more closely together. The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce plays a vital and active role in assisting Swiss companies in the United States and U.S. companies in Switzerland to expand their business.
Swiss Chamber of Commerce San Francisco
From a handful of pioneering Swiss who built a clubhouse, with dormitories, a supply cable car, and terraced gardens (including an arena for schwingfests) in the rugged, steep hills above Mill Valley back in 1920 (before the Golden Gate Bridge provided easy access to Marin County), to today – the club’s purpose has always been for camaraderie between Swiss immigrants, descendents, and their families in the Bay Area – a place of support, friendship, and fun.