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San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club-Member BBQ Kids Day

July 25, 2020 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club
110 N Manley Rd
CA 95366
Tony Berchtold,SJVS President
209 982-4167


Third Annual Kids Swiss Camp

Saturday, July 25, 2020
9am – 5pm
SJVSC, 110 N Manley Rd, Ripon

We will have our 2nd Annual Kids Day on July 26th
starting in the morning and concluding at the Members BBQ.

This will take place instead of our Beube Schwingfest this year,
and help to Celebrate Swiss National Day (August 1st)

Please join us for a fun-filled day including:
· Arts & Crafts
· Swiss Music & Singing
· Dancing
· Swiss Baking
· Schwingen and Steinstossen
· Group Projects and much, much more!

Camp Details
· Camp for ages 4-14
· Leaders age 15, and up

· Need not to be Swiss to participate



For more information, contact:
Katrina Beeler
Home # 209.599.7267 or