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San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club-Spring Schwingfest Cancelled

June 6, 2020 @ 10:30 am – 5:00 pm
San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club
110 N Manley Rd
CA 95366
Tony Berchtold, SJVSC President
209) 982-4167


Spring Schwingfest


What is Schwingen?
Schwingen (from German schwingen “to swing”), also known as Swiss wrestling (French lutte Suisse) and natively (and colloquially) as Hoselupf (Swiss German for “breeches-lifting”), is a style of folk wrestling native to Switzerland, more specifically the pre-alpine parts of German-speaking Switzerland. Wrestlers wear Schwingerhosen (“wrestling breeches”) with belts that are used for taking holds. Throws and trips are common because the first person to pin his/her opponent’s shoulders to the ground wins the bout.

Schwingen is considered a “national sport” of Switzerland, alongside Hornussen and Steinstossen. Schwingen and Steinstossen were included as Nationalturnen (“national gymnastics”) in the Eidgenössisches Turnfest at Lausanne in 1855.